Oral Cancer
Cancer can arise in almost any
part of the body.
cancer occurs in, or on, the mouth.
Oral Cancer is a Common, Serious
Most people have heard about
lung cancer, breast cancer and cancer of the cervix, but you may be surprised to
know that every year at least 12,000 Americans die from cancer of the mouth, and
more than 30,000 new cases are diagnosed annually. It causes more deaths every
year than malignant melanoma of the skin, or cervical cancer in women.
Oral Cancer can affect anyone
cancer can affect anyone, even people with healthy life styles. People 40 and
older account for 95% of the cases. Oral
cancers are more common than leukemia, melanoma, and cancers of the brain,
liver, kidney, thyroid, stomach, ovary or cervix. Oral cancer represents about
5% of all cancers in men, and 2% in women. The number of people who get cancer
in the mouth increases each year.
Cancers of the
mouth (oral cancer) and throat (pharnygeal
cancer) are responsible for about 3 - 4% of all cancer deaths in the
United States.
& pharyngeal cancers are the sixth most common type of cancer among American
men (fourth among African Americans). The current annual dollar cost of
oral cancer treatment in the U.S. is $3.7 billion.
cancers are among the most debilitating, disfiguring, and difficult to treat:
the survival rate at 5 years is only 52%. There are 30,000 new cases and more
than 8,000 deaths from these cancers each year in America. One American dies
from oral cancer every hour of each year.
Can Oral Cancer be Cured?
YES ! If
oral cancer is detected early, the odds of a cure are very good. It has been
predicted that as many as 80% of all oral cancer deaths could be prevented by
early recognition of the disease. The smaller the cancer, the better the chances
of a cure. Unfortunately, too many people come forward too late: more than 60%
of the tumors are first detected when disease is too advanced for treatment to
be effective.
How to tell if you have oral cancer
the mouth is easily examined, oral cancer can be found early, treated and cured.
The main problem is that people don’t visit their dentist for a regular health
check often enough, or don’t have a dentist at all. Everyone should see
a dentist for an annual oral cancer examination. It is also important to
recognize the warning signs of oral cancer, and be aware of the risk factors to
help prevent oral cancer.
Common signs of Oral Cancer
tooth socket, or sore, or that bleeds easily and/or does not heal |
bump, lump, growth, ulcer, swelling or thickening in the soft oral tissues |
red or white patch on the gums, tongue, tonsil, or lining of the mouth, or a
browning discoloration along the border of the lip |
of the jaw that causes dentures to fit poorly or become uncomfortable |
of the teeth or pain around the teeth or jaw |
- in tongue cancer, usually the first symptom
(Pain may be in the area of oral cancer, or felt elsewhere - like the ear or
face). |
or discomfort of the tongue or other areas of the mouth |
change in texture and/or unusual firmness of the tongue |
lump or mass in the neck |
sore throat or feeling that something is stuck in the throat |
changes / hoarseness |
in chewing, swallowing, opening the mouth or moving the tongue or jaws (often a
late symptom) |
burning sensation in the mouth or throat (more common in Asian patients who chew
the areca nut) |
weight loss |
Risk Factors for Oral Cancer
cigar, or pipe smoking |
of chewing or snuff tobacco |
consumption of alcohol |
tobacco and alcohol
(Tobacco use increases risk by 4- 4.5x, alcohol by 15x (up to 6 drinks per day)
and the combination of tobacco and alcohol up to 100x). |
oral irritation (from poorly fitting dentures, partials, appliances, fillings or
broken but unrepaired teeth |
trauma or chronic dental infections |
exposure to sunlight (lip cancer)
(More than 30% of patients with lip cancer have outdoor occupations associated
with prolonged sunlight exposure.) |
male |
prior occurrence of oral, lung or throat cancer. Also, oral cancer commonly
co-exists as a second primary cancer with other upper aerodigestive cancers -
larynx, esophagus and lung. - (10-40% will develop cancer of one of these organs
or a 2nd oral or pharyngeal cancer in the future.) |
compromised immune system |
viral or yeast infections, particularly:
Human Papilloma , Plummer Vinson Syndrome (a specific iron deficiency), any
herpes group virus, adenovirus or Candida Albicans (yeast) infection |
family or hereditary predisposition to oral or other cancers |
deficiencies of vitamins A, E, C and iron |
to the burning of fossil fuels |
of caustic substances (particularly Asian, African and Indian populations) –
slaked lime, betel nuts, some spices, or reverse smoking (placing lit end of
rolled tobacco in mouth). |
More Dentists Need to Check People
for Oral Cancer
many dentists provide this important care, studies show there is certainly room
for improvement in the dental profession:
than one-third of Americans are now at least 45 years old, and 40 million are
over 65 years old. These groups are at highest risk or oral and pharyngeal
cancer. |
national survey in 1992 showed that only 14% of U.S. adults reported ever having
an oral cancer examination. |
AM, Nourjah PA. Factors associated with having oral cancer examinations among US
adults 40 years of age or older. J Public Health Dent 1996; 56(6):331-5].
more recent study of 3,200 dentists demonstrated that 81% conducted oral cancer
examinations for 100% of their patients who are over 40 years of age.
While oral cancer is more common in this age group, it can occur at any
age. Only 14% of dentists provided oral cancer examinations for patients
in other age groups. Dentists who graduated from dental school in the past
ten years were twice as likely to check patients for oral cancer than
colleagues. |
[Horowitz et al. Oral pharyngeal cancer prevention & early detection:
dentists opinions and practices. Journal of the American Dental Association,
April 2000; 131(4):453-462.]
patient in our practice receives an examination for mouth, head, and neck
cancers - both at their initial diagnostic visits and at their
periodic examinations.
This has been our standard practice since 1976.
your dentist is not regularly examining you for oral cancer, ask him or her to
do so ... before it is too late.
Additional Information
Patients who visit our office
can obtain a free copy of Dr. Fox's booklet on oral cancer and on smoking. We
also have the National Cancer Institute's pamphlet "What You Need to Know About Oral
available for our patients.
Patients under treatment for
oral cancer, or other cancers, need special dental care to ensure the
success of cancer treatment as well as their general health and
comfort. More information is on this website:
Mouth Oral
Care for Cancer Patients
York Times Article on Oral Cancer
Web Links with further information: