Complications of Cancer Treatment
Cancer affects your mouth
Both cancer and cancer treatments affect oral health, and are
affected by the patient's oral condition. This is true both for cancers
in the mouth itself, and for cancers in other parts of the body. Cancer
Radiation therapy can permanently damage salivary glands if they are
in the field of radiation. Chemotherapy can change the composition of saliva,
creating a sensation of dry mouth. Of
the 1.2 million Americans diagnosed with cancer each year, about one-third
develop oral complications from their cancer treatment. These
complications can be so debilitating that doctors are forced to use lower, less
effective doses of cancer curing drugs, to postpone scheduled treatments, or
even discontinue cancer treatment entirely. Oral complications or disease
can also be a source of infections that interfere with cancer therapy or pose a
serious threat to patient survival. For
these reasons, cancer patients need a dentist as part of their team of treating
healthcare professionals.
Fox has experience and expertise in helping cancer patients and
collaborating with their treating physicians.
Dry Mouth
Cancer patients with dry mouth will find helpful information on our web page
devoted to xerostomia (abnormally dry mouth).
Keeping your mouth healthy during cancer therapy
You can do a lot to protect your oral health during cancer treatment, and to
ensure that your oncologist's treatment can be successfully completed, by proper
care of your mouth.
The first step is to see a dentist before starting any cancer treatment.
When possible, completion of any dental treatment needed to eliminate oral
infection, root canal problems, abscessed teeth, gum disease or cavities is best
done two weeks before beginning any cancer treatment. If is crucial that
your dentist be a capable, well-informed member of your cancer treatment
team. Working in conjunction with your physicians and other health care
providers, your dentist can help you avoid painful oral complications that
could force you to discontinue your cancer therapy.
you would like to benefit from Dr. Fox's expertise
in coordinating oral care with cancer treatment please be sure to tell our
office staff so we can make special arrangements to begin your evaluation and
care quickly. Any oral disease (like gum disease or cavities) will need to
be treated as soon as possible, preferably before cancer treatments begin.
Check your mouth daily during cancer treatment
Once cancer treatment begins, it is important to check your mouth daily for
the occurrence or oral sores, irritations, swelling, discomfort or any other
changes. Should you encounter anything unusual or suspicious, call your dentist
Preventing or treating sore mouth
Mouth soreness is a common problem for cancer patients. Following your
dentist's recommendations will prevent many problems. Make sure you keep
your dentist aware of any changes in how your mouth feels. To prevent
discomfort, the following measures may be helpful as well:
Keep your mouth moist (see our web page on dry
mouth for tips on how to do this). |
Brush your teeth, gums, and tongue with a soft
toothbrush after every meal or snack, and at bedtime. If this is painful,
soften the bristles first with warm water or use a special extra-soft
toothbrush. |
Use a fluoride toothpaste with the American Dental
Association seal of approval. Some pastes are milder and easier for
patients with sore mouth, consult with your dentist for specific
recommendations. |
Use a fluoride containing mouth rinse or
prescription fluoride gel as recommended by your dentist. |
Avoid mouthwashes that contain alcohol, which will
both sting and cause further dryness. Check the label carefully for this
ingredient. |
Floss gently at least once a day. If excessive
bleeding or pain in the gums complicates flossing do the best job you can,
particularly in areas that are not already sore. |
If approved by your dentist and physician, rinses
several times a day with a solution of baking soda (1/4 teaspoon) and salt (1/8
teaspoon) in a cup of warm (not hot) water may be soothing. |
If your mouth is sore or painful
Consult with your dentist and your physician or oncologist. To enhance
comfort, the following measures are often helpful:
Eat nutritious foods that are good for you, easy to
chew, and easy to swallow. |
Take small bites of food, chew slowly, and sip
liquids while eating. |
Avoid hard or crunchy foods. |
Avoid spicy foods, alcoholic beverages, and citrus
fruits or juices, all of which may cause further stinging or burning sensations. |
Avoid or reduce any tobacco use. |